Nonprofit Financial Statements
Read about the four financial documents that each nonprofit needs and learn how to interpret them.
How To: Write a Job Description
Writing a job description can be a daunting task if you’ve never done it before. Here we outline the step-by-step process for writing a job description and attracting good candidates.
Three Types of Grants for Small Nonprofits
Check out the three most common types of grants that I recommend for small and growing nonprofits.
Sample Job Description: Grant Writer
Take and use this FREE sample job description to hire a part-time grant writer for you nonprofit.
Should I hire a grant writer?
Hiring a grant writer in the startup phases of a nonprofit takes guts! But the pay off can be huge. In this blog we break down why you should hire a grant writer, what to budget, and how to find funding to pay a grant writer.
Types of Fundraising for Nonprofits
Wondering what are all the possible ways to fundraise for your nonprofit? Checkout this list and examples of the 14 most popular types of fundraisers.
10 Ways to Be a Great Board Member
This is your go-to guide for serving on a Board of Directors of a nonprofit in the startup phases.
Everything You Need to Know about Nonprofit Taxes
Nonprofit taxes can be tedious and overwhelming. Here is everything that you need to know before you meet with your accountant.